Welcome to Dairy Health and Nutrition Initiative India Foundation

Shwetdhara Milk Producer Company Limited

In 2006, the Ministry of Panchayati Raj named Pratapgarh one of the country’s 250 most backward districts (out of a total of 640). It is one of the 34 districts of Uttar Pradesh currently receiving funds from the Backward Regions Grant Fund Programme (BRGF).

The Tata Trusts have been working in two of the tehsils of Pratapgarh district with a commitment to providing sustainable livelihood options to the locals. In alignment with this objective, the Tata Trusts joined hands with the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) to set up a milk producer company in Pratapgarh district.

Under this collaboration, the Dairy Health and Nutrition Initiative India Foundation (DHANII) and NDDB Dairy Services (NDS) joined hands to establish Shwetdhara Milk Producer Company Ltd. (SMMPCL). The company was registered on April 25, 2016, and operationalized on December 30, 2016.

Growth and Impact

Shwetdhara has shown a consistent growth pattern since its commencement. From a dairy milk procurement of 2374 kg in 2016–17, the current dairy milk procurement has been 1.58 Lakh kg per day.

Shwetdhara turnover has grown from INR 72 lakh in the first year to INR 217 crore as of March 24.

Today, ~38,000 women members have better confidence and entrepreneurial skills. While dairy was never perceived as a business in the operational zones, today not only women but their entire families are supporting them in taking this venture forward.


  • A payment of INR 495 crore has been paid to the members since inception.
  • Currently procuring more than 1.58 Lakh Kg of milk per day.
  • Operational in over 1148 villages.
  • Share capital of Rs 4.90 Cr.