Welcome to Dairy Health and Nutrition Initiative India Foundation


Implementation Structure

DHANII provide financial assistance for establishing Milk Producer Companies which are producer owned enterprises incorporated under provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 but run on principles of mutual assistance and managed by competent professionals further to ensure fair prices for their milk, these producers are being organized under Producer Companies, which are equipped with latest technologies, infrastructure and assured market linkages.

With the support of NDDB Dairy Services (NDS), DHANII has facilitated the formation of 5 Milk Producer Companies 2 in Rajasthan, 1 in Uttar Pradesh, 1 in Punjab and 1 in Yavatmal district of Maharashtra.

DHANII has also connected around 1100 milk producers from 70 villages of coastal area of Gujarat to MAAHI Milk Producer Company Limited.


DHANII oversees the setting up and monitoring of MPCs. Our methodology revolves around seven crucial components, namely:

  • Assisting in the promotion, production and maintenance of quality livestock,
  • Increasing the production and distribution of good quality milk and milk products,
  • Undertaking operations with respect to encouragement of related activities,
  • Ensuring a fair and transparent relationship with members,
  • Promoting good governance by strengthening the capacities of the Board members,
  • Educating the producer-members about their roles and responsibilities as well as about the various aspects of the MPCs operations, and
  • Equipping the MPCs with the latest technology, infrastructure, and assured market linkages.